TCM4 – Card reader with multi-frequency RFID technology
The TCM4 multi-technology USB contactless or proximity RFID card readers are compatible with most cards on the market featuring MIFARE® 13.56 MHz and 125Khz technology, connectable to cPads or embedded modules.
By default, they emulate a USB keyboard, so don’t require driver configuration on Windows PCs and MFPs. Bluetooth option available.
Compatible with CartadisID (contact authentication application for users) and TCMxManager (configuration application for technicians).
- Contact your Katun sales representative for more information (link)
- Order now from Katun’s online catalog (link to KOLC PN 52669, 52932, 53594, 52671 )
- Download flyer (link)
Video on the authentication application, click here.
List of Compatible RFID contactless cards:
Getting Started Video for an easy management and use of the TCM4 card readers.